Index of wonder woman season 1
Index of wonder woman season 1

One caption later, Steve (but not the other guy … what happens to him?) wakes up in Diana’s apartment – because no hospital needed for a concussion and smoke inhalation, I guess. She gets Steve and the other knocked-out guy and crashes the jeep through the barn door. “A box of matches? Maybe Steve IS a spy!” Because she also possesses the wisdom of Athena, she realizes the box of matches has been planted. Hours later and definitely obeying all traffic laws and signs, Wonder Woman shows up at the Stables. He knocked out a guard, set a fire and then passed out in his jeep. That will DEFINITELY make him look like he is a saboteur. He then calls the cops and tells them Steve set fire to the stables. Luckily, Wonder Woman is coming via … running down the highway? I know she’s supposed to have the speed of Mercury, but, the Invisible Plane wasn’t available? As she’s running, the REAL spy leaves incriminating evidence - a box of matches - under the unconscious Steve’s leg in the jeep he’s been put into.

index of wonder woman season 1

He promptly gets knocked out and the building is set on fire. Yes, when Steve arrives at the trap, I mean the Old Virginia Stables, he finds a knocked-out soldier, a secret government stockpile of ammunition and a lot of hay bales. Diana follows Steve … on foot? “I’m sure this is safe.” I don’t know a ton about politics or the law … but asking the people you are investigating in a secret hearing to pull the top secret files you need as evidence (much less telling those people they are under investigation AND there will be a secret hearing) seems, I dunno … counter-intuitive? “Oh, wait …”ĭiana and Steve try to pull the files … but they are GONE! Steve gets a mysterious phone call to come to the Old Virginia Stables if he wants those files! This doesn’t smell like a trap at ALL. Arthur needs all the Top Secret orders for Steve’s last three missions (which all now look like Steve sabotaged each mission). Only Arthur Deal III, the big steel magnate and PATRIOT (according to NGB), who is heading a secret hearing into Steve’s alleged spy activities, could clear Steve’s name. The FBI thinks HE’S A TRAITOR! “I’m no spy … and I have the top secret files to prove it!”


That truck was full of top-secret weapons and Steve destroyed it. How is this part of the scheme? At the War Department, Not-General Blankenship tells us. She lassoes him out of the truck as it goes over the edge. Luckily, Wonder Woman has been watching! I wonder if she took lasso lessons for this part. Steve tries to get IN the driver’s seat and save it, but he is about to go over a cliff. Steve and his men are doing some training exercises with a truck and the truck suddenly loses control. They are plotting (against some extremely strong background music) to discredit Steve Trevor, War Hero, and make him look like (gasp) a traitor! That doesn’t look like preferential treatment AT ALL. As you do when you are imprisoned for being a Nazi Baroness. Before we can follow, we make a stop at the Federal Penitentiary where Baroness von Gunther, former head of a spy ring, is walking around completely normally, alone with a guard. How did they not have the wardrobe or the patterns from the pilot? + As soon as NGB leaves, Diana hits the Transformation Twirl® and becomes Wonder Woman … with a cheaper and bigger golden belt. NGB wishes there was some way – any way – too contact Wonder Woman.

index of wonder woman season 1

He’s so worried about Steve Trevor falling into a trap.

index of wonder woman season 1

We start at the War Department and Not-General Blankenship is worried. With the new Not-General Blankenship, the completely unheralded introduction of Etta Candy and the strangest fight scene ever filmed while rolling down a hill, it would have been better if Diana had NEVER met Baroness von Gunther. Oh, my! The first regular episode of Wonder Woman is a … bit of a letdown.

Index of wonder woman season 1